Basically I am in a bad situation. I don’t have anybody around for any kind of a support system and I don’t want to call some hotline. I am dealing with depression, abuse, and suicidal thoughts quite often and I am stuck alone. Most of the time I’m not allowed to leave the house because I’ve supposedly  done something wrong. I don’t think I’ll be ending my life anytime soon but I might end up giving in if my situation doesn’t change. Anyone have any advice?
Can you talk to a counsellor?
depression, abuse, and suicidal thoughts are a deadly combination. No pun intended. If you don’t mind me asking, are your parents abusing you?
Hold tight, we’ll figure something out.
I would talk to a counsellor but I have a hard time trusting people and talking in person is really hard for me. I don’t feel comfortable around counselors either. My family had a counselor before and I could never bring myself to talk to him.
Yes. It is not physical abuse though. I’ve had people tell me that it doesn’t count if I don’t have bruises or scars to show for it but according to everything I’ve read about it emotional and psychological abuse is real as well. That’s what I happen to be dealing with from mostly my dad (who is bi-polar and short tempered) and minimally from my mom (who doesn’t seem to be aware of it).
I have been abused both emotionally and physically and I can say that the emotional scars are much worse. I know that we have some voluntary group homes where I live, I wonder if they have one there? You could go and stay for a little while. Suicide is such a permanent decision though, if you can put that one off I would encourage you to do so. Your parents are damaging you, and it isn’t fair, but it’s only temporary. Before you know it you’ll be out of that situation. If you want counseling with someone who has been there, I will help you. I am a counselor and I work with all age ranges. Just ask, I’m here for you buddy.