There should be a law that says everything is 50 – 75% off according to how bad the economy is. That way companies would lose a bit of money but ultimately gain a profit and another the upside is that the economy holds up….think of all the spending people would do? I wonder why things are unregulated now….”lobbying” (legal bribery) perhaps?
are you high
I thought you were going to send me free weed? What’s happening with that, bro? Bro. Bro. Bro. Send me free weed.
and who the fuck on here cares about the economy, really???????? go post this shit on sone other forum where others actually give half a fuck.
Yeah! We want bad poetry!
More bad poetry!
you know where the door is if you dont like it here 😉
It could be worse. 1930’s Germany had inflation so high that one loaf of bread cost 1 Trillion Marks. The economy is controlled by a bunch of monkeys wearing suits, pulling slippery strings and manipulating entire continents as if they were soap on a rope. Economic downfall will spark a devolution in society proper – and thus, anarchy shall reign supreme. Maybe they’d be better off getting rid of the exorbitant tariffs imposed upon foreign economies when importing/exporting into another country. That’d help ease the extra costs slapped on to goods by providers, which in turn end up hurting our back pockets.
Fuck knows, man.
I love how you think that’s a clever thing to say every time someone says something about all the poetry you poo out, wig.
there once lived an annoying squid
who wrote poetry like a retarded kid
he came and pouted on SP
and bitched about the economy
of which he did not give a fuck
no matter, his poetry still sucks
@WifeIsFree; Yes, thank you. 🙂
You are a master at chasing people away, huh? Did you regale your ex with your “poetry”?
thats probably what he told his ex wife lol you know where the door is if you don’t like my poetry *****
I’m a poet, you’re a whore
You don’t like it?
There’s the door.
Now I’m sad, my wife is gone
Why is everyone else always wrong?
she left me coz i tortured her with my poetry. ;()
LMAO at these comments! I bet some people stay alive just to read what people are going to say next…I know I did for a while
People are being mean :/ isn’t there enough of that already? See my sad fad face 🙁
LOL *sad, I guess sad is the fad here, not so erroneous after all.
Yer, people stop being mean. And please keep it clean.
Can’t you see it’s bad? Can’t you see it’s making us fad? 🙁
You know, guys, he’s right. We really shouldn’t fight.
This is, after all, a freakin’ suicide site.
Of course it’s not a crime to rhyme,
in fact it is contagious;
but Dr Suess is deceased
his ghost can’t entertain us.
Instead there’s droning wails
of lugubrious lament
pubescent angst and woeful tales
of sorrow and regret.
I guess it doesn’t matter much
do whatever you want.
Just skip the comments and the posts
that make you wanna fart.