I started cutting a year ago in March when it happened. I was having a sleepover with my two friends Kiaya and Amanda. We all slept in my bed which was big enough to fit all of us. I was in the middle. I woke up in the middle of the night to whispers from Kiaya. She was talking from the perspective of a guy towards me in a seductive way. I didn’t do anything about it because I wasn’t sure what was happening. That’s when she leaned in and kissed me when my eyes were closed. She stole my first kiss, but that was just the beginning of what she took. During the night she stuck her hand up my shirt and touched me while whispering,”I like your boobs.” She tried to open up my legs but I didn’t let her, so she just touched my butt. She also humped me and nibbled on my ear. I did absolutely nothing at all while she did this throughout the night, and I still don’t know why. I didn’t like it. I was praying to God to just let me die right then so I wouldn’t have to bear anymore, and yet I was too afraid to tell her to stop myself. I could’ve done something to save myself, but I didn’t. Also, a couple months ago Kiaya’s mother, brothers, and grandpa died in a fire. I don’t know how I should feel about that. I am fourteen now, and I still believe it’s my fault that she did that to me. Cutting is my way of punishing myself for being so weak. It also brings me back to the physical world when her voice overtakes my mind. I’ve tried to stop cutting, but I can’t. I need help. Please if anyone can help me I would be so grateful. My name is Bre. <3
It’s not your fault she did this to you; it’s sexual abuse and that’s not your fault. You were just unsure what to do in such an unfamiliar and uncomfortable situation; that doesn’t make you weak, it’s actually normal. What she did to you is illegal and it’s 100% her fault.
I suggest telling an adult about this; your parents, school counsellor, teacher or any other adult you trust. They can get you help with the self harming issue. Also, if you’re still in touch with Kiaya, I recommend that you stop talking to her. If she sexually abused you, she’s not a real friend and is likely to do it again.
Thanks for the advice. And I have told adults before, but they don’t know I am still screwed up about it. I am no longer in touch with Kiaya, so that has helped me. I’ll try to talk to someone again about everything. Thanks so much for your reply š
Email me at Wilkerson427 at live dot com. We can talk. I’m here for you. š
Thank you so much<3
Sorry I didn’t say more. I had to go to the doctor, but I wanted you to know that we are here for you. š Being in a situation like that is definitely uncomfortable, and in unfamiliar situations like that, it is in human nature I freeze and just take what is happening to you. It’s not your fault at all, honey. I actually had a girl on my sport team “accidentally” touch my chest, but I know for sure it wasn’t an accident. She also took advantaged to me while I had my back to the wall and humped me. I felt the same way you did. Humiliated and weak. You have to know that you did nothing wrong though. You’re a strong girl. Keep your head up, and like I said, you can email me if you want to talk. I’m always here for you. <3
Thanks you so much. I’m glad someone understands.