Maybe suicide is the solution. Everyone always says it’s not, but nobody but me is actually worthless. Every other person in this world has worth and I can see that in them. But then, I look at me and I see nothing but worthlessness. I am not worth anything to anyone and if you don’t know me, you can’t say that “you would be sad if I died”, because I can guarantee that if you met me, you would think I am annoying, stupid, worthless, ugly, etc. Everyone else always has. you don’t have to deny it. There’s nothing that anyone can do about it. It’s not your fault that I am worthless and stupid and annoying.
Besides, maybe that would make the world a better place. It’s not like anyone really needs me here. I am really only a waste of space and I shouldn’t have people wasting money on me. I wish my mother would have aborted me because then she wouldn’t have wasted her time, energy, and money on someone that she doesn’t even want. Why doesn’t she just kick me out? She’s too nice to do that.
Everyone is so nice to me and I wish they would save their niceness for someone who actually mattered. Anyone other than me.
If you are a nice person who was going to try to help me by commenting, please do the world an even larger favor: go comment on something else that was written. You shouldn’t waste it on me. You can comment on just about anything else because everyone other than me matters that lives. Everyone has worth. I am just not one of those people.
Kindness is a wonderful thing in this world. But in the case of your mother, you’re a little confused. That’s not being nice, that’s LOVE. A mother’s love. I know, my mother is the one silver lining in my life that has kept me alive all these years. If I decided to choke on a handful of rusty nails and end it all, it would destroy her. And I am assuming that you are a similar case. You are not worthless, you can make your life meaningful by SPARING such a kind and loving woman rather than destroying her.
Please e-mail me if you would like to tell me more.
Thank you. I appreciate it.
you are not annoying, YOU ARE PERSISTENT
you are not stupid, YOU ARE CURIOUS
you are not worthless, YOU ARE PRICELESS
you are not ugly, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL
stop beating yourself up kid, you are a work in progress
things will get better if you want to
if you want to speak some more i am hear to listen
sorry if i misspelled something (i am romanian) i am still learning how to spell correctly
Thank you. This means a lot.
Please trust me that you are not worthless, you seem like a really caring person, and the world needs more caring people. I really think your best option is to tell someone(preferably an adult) you trust in real life how you feel. They will be able to help more than anybody online.
Also, you should call a suicide prevention hotline. It’s free and whoever answers will be trained in suicide prevention. Even if your not immediately about to commit suicide they will still help.
Also, I can friend you on facebook or any other social network if you want. Just in case you want extra online friends.