Anyone else sick of people telling them they drink too much? I mean, alcohol has been around since before written history. Do you honestly think the cavemen ever said “Ugh oog agga ooga boo boo.”? (Translation: Jack, I think you’ve had too much to drink.). I mean damn. When those motherfuckers wanted a woman they’d hit ’em over the head with a wooden club and drag them to their cave by their hair. And that shit was the norm. So what if I drink a bit too much a grab a butt that doesn’t belong to me? Motherfuckin’ human nature bitches.
it’s also human nature to violently overreact to anyone encroaching on your “property,” which is how a lot of people treat their significant others.
I’m not speaking of the significant others of the women, I’m speaking of the friends that are embarrassed by my actions. I’d gladly accept a hit to the face by the boyfriend. It would be totally called for. I may be a drunk, but I’m not stupid.
cock-blocking also exists.
i’m drawing a blank on the word for what you’re describing, but i’ve seen it.
I believe the word you’re looking for is douchebaggery.
Cock-blocking sounds like a porno videogame counter attack lol.
yeah i suppose that works
You sound just like me before I went into alcohol and substance abuse treatment.
*They tried to make me go to rehab…I said yes.*
I just started and yes it’s horrible because I have to consistently admit how horribly I have wasted my life on booze and such and I am detoxing which is worse than the flu. I am alot more reserved lately, too. Not so long ago I was rolling around atop my car (didn’t drive Thank God) slurring gibberish whining about my childhood all the while trying to persuade some poor bloke to babysit me.
Now I sit and cry in group therapy and yes it’s embarrassing and I feel like a dumb, needy child but at least it’s me and not a mushy margarita brain talking.
The only time it is possible to have drank too much a 24/7 bender with no break for a year. Anything up to that is merely enjoying yourself to the max. Grab enough booty sooner or later u gonna bring one home. Perfectly logical therfore to grab random strangers