I hate how awful my brother makes me feel. I hate how I have to smile for my mom. I hate how my brother is like my mom and gets easily mad. I hate how I do the same to my little brother and have to try to stop myself. I hate how I do the same things all day. I hate when it’s my mom’s off days because she is always watching to make sure I act happy. I hate how my mom hates the real me. I hate how she loves this mask, this facade. I hate how even on here I’m just some annoying person who tries too hard to fit in. I hate how no one likes me for who I truly am. I hate how when I say things they’re always weird and no one gets them. I hate how my friends want to constantly talk to me when I want to be alone because they talk about all these stupid silly things. I hate how I’m trapped in my life and can’t end it because I have no access to the way I want to go. Off a high building or cliff. I hate how I don’t want my family to feel pain afterwords but I’m slowly growing to not care because my brother makes me feel awful with the little things he does. I hate leaving my music. I hate going somewhere public or outside. I hate watching movies. I hate going outside my room. I hate the thought of going back to school. I really really just want to leave this world. I hate that I was born even though my mom said I made her get out of depression. I hate how she calls herself Christian than hates on gays so furiously. I hate how she forgets she’s supposed to love all. I hate how she doesnt realize that because of people like her many are so depressed. I hate how people can be so hypocritical. I hate how that would be me too. I hate how I keep helping others but when I want help am denied. I hate how I want to ignore all my friends but know one that might become depressed again like she had been. I hate how I’ve caused the same horrible feeling of someone judging you in others. I hate how I didn’t mean to do that but always say the wrong things. I hate how I have to do well in school even though I know I’ll kill myself the first opportunity. I hate how I feel like I’m in a circus and everyone is just watching and laughing. I hate how my dad left. I hate how much I used to love and respect him. I hate myself because of all my horrible feelings. I hate who I was and I still hate how I am. I hate how I can’t just stay in my room forever listening to my music, reading books, and going on SP. I hate how people think the world is so great. I hate how I don’t like anything. I hate how I have dreams of boys and romance even though I hate that stuff. I hate how I wish I had nightmares instead. I hate how I don’t understand so many things. I hate how no one I know likes my music. I hate how hard it is to sleep. I hate how I’m so sensitive to every sound. I hate how I get sad and feel worthless when someone gets slightly annoyed or doesn’t like what I say or finds fault in it. I hate how I can’t just say fuck the world and not care. I hate how humans are so horrible. I hate how I have no one to blame. I hate how I can’t even hate the devil. I hate how my mom thinks the real me is a demon full of hate. I hate how she’s right. I hate how I never know if what I feel is right or ok with God. I hate how it feels as if he’s mad at me. I hate how no one is there I can talk to. I hate how when I get the chance to talk to people I don’t want to and get scared. I hate how people even think about me. I hate how people call me. I hate how they want me. I hate how I’m in their lives. I hate how I feel everyone I see is thinking awful things about me. I hate how I just want to disappear. I hate how once I finally show myself to someone I panic and leave. I hate how hideous the world is. I hate how the one person I know must have felt most of what I feel is long gone and dead. I hate how I’ve stopped feeling besides anger. I hate how I wish I could cry. I hate how im so negative. I hate how I can’t cut myself because I don’t know how to do it properly. I hate how I over think everything. I hate how with the few words I say I ruin everything. I hate how I want friends who understand then want to be alone. I hate how I want attention then just want to be alone. I hate that I always pretend to be something I’m not. I hate how I’ve wasted your time. I hate how you don’t know what to say. I hate that I wouldn’t either. I hate how you have to all endure me. I hate how I wish I could leave this site and disconnect from humanity. I hate how my need of being a part of something or in a group makes me keep coming back. I hate how I hate the sound of silence. I hate how it chokes me silently. I hate how I’ve lost my anger towards everything. I hate how I’ve become this shell. I hate how I’ve burned so badly the ashes arent even there. I hate how I wish I felt pain so that i could feel again. I hate how I know I’m going to try to cut myself so I can feel. I hate that our fish died. I hate how it’s my fault. I hate how my mom doesn’t care at all about his life. I hate how she simply says let’s buy another. I hate how she doesn’t care. I love how Simon got to escape this horrible world. I hate how people think I’m weird and boring. I hate how I get nervous easily. I hate everything. I hate how so many suffer. I hate how I have no idea what to say. I hate how I can’t help. I hate how I know it’s worthless. I hate how I feel I don’t deserve heaven. I hate all the things I imagine. I hate that I tried to kill myself and failed. I hate that people are so focused on life. I hate how they all just thrust themselves to its horrors. I hate how people think if you’re smart then you should do great things. I hate how people keep feeding fuel to humanity’s existence. I hate how even if I leave a thorough note behind me no one will understand. I hate how people expect me to follow their lead and live a life worth nothing by working a horrible job for money to spend on nothing. I hate how people want me to help but I lost my ability to. I hate how I just want to blast myself away but can’t. I hate how I’m not in torturing physical pain when I deserve it. I hate how people go to movies when the money could go to a better cause. I hate how all that is still beautiful and good on earth is being destroyed and trashed. I hate how the world is burning and the stars are falling and everyone keeps smiling and going about their lives. I’m just going to go keep listening to my music and think about how awful I am. If you want to you can join. Don’t worry I’ll be back soon enough to ruin more lives. I hate how I’m probably just going to sit and wait for comments because I’m an attention whore. I hate how my brother thinks so too.
I really enjoyed reading this… One helluva rant,dear,and striking many chords of identification within me-im sure within many people here.Why th fuck are people expected to live,feel and be the same as others..its ridiculous to believe we are born to go to work -get money-get married-reproduce-die. Its an outrage to me..a goddamn fairy tale when youre young-how all these things are important and lead to happiness-and later on you realize youve been duped into cooperation. I love how you said you hate how people expect greatness out of you just because youre intelligent. How theyre walkin around like its a fucking carnival while unceasing suffering and destruction and murder is occurring.Im very sorry about Simon..all animals are worthy of consideration and love and protection..Faaaar more than people In my opinion.. I hate that I cannot cripple the factory farming industry with radical acts of extreme violence …halt their evil,murderous,depraved fucking holocaust..what they do is so despicable that I feel theyve given up their right to exist here unmolested..sorry,I didn’t mean to make it about me but I AM a selfish asshole tonight. Your hates are contagious sortof, but in a good way .For me,anyway.I think the list put me in touch with several unexpressed resentments,and its good to expose them to the light of day.one more thing:God isnt mad at you or looking at you with disappointment,dont believe it for a second. The good ol hateful hypocrites christians have bastardized what God really is in order to guilt or terrify people into compliance -God hates religion.It fosters war and persecution and division. Dont be afraid of God–keep talking to God.Keep writing. I feel better for reading this even though im a weeping self pity junkie tonight-i really do
Thank you so much. And you don’t have to apologize I feel the same way about those horrible factory farms that torture those poor animals. How they beat them with no mercy then serve them to happy ignorant people and make so much money for their cruelty. Just thinking of them makes me boil with hate. Oh I could go on and on about how I hate animal cruelty and all the places it takes place. Part of why I hate zoos. Their animal cruelty. Some take in endangered species and give them good homes but I hate how they make them attractions behind bars. Have you heard of a bear at a zoo that was forced into hibernation with no food. The bear died because his species doesn’t hibernate!! Gosh and don’t get me started on animal circuses. Humans have suffered slavery and torture but when it’s not to them then they act like idiots.
You’re are the most engaging, self thinking person I have ever met. Best human being yet. Plus you’re a misanthrope so you are very amazing to me.
Exactly,dear.You are enlightened,I see,and can see zoos,circuses ,theme parks for what they are-animal exploitation for loads of cash. Habitats that are completely inadequate..animals beaten and starved into submission and forced to perform completely unnatural clowning and tricks while ignorant assholes patrons pay to watch the abuse.Hell they bring their childrn to witness the atrocity like its a fun and happy event. Dont get me started on China,though:) I will be out of my mind in no time…but seriously,you are a good person,and it is clear from the things that upset you and anger you,that you have an extremely good sense of right and wrong..social injustice..environmental crimes…youre very empathic,and that means you will suffer emotionally more than a lot of people.You feel things intensely,and it hurts. You see things that are wrong and cannot reconcile it-“why are these things happening and nobody even acknowledges it” its verrry hard to see things in these terms every day and NOT become distraught and furious .
It can be very hard for people such as ourselves to get involved in a cause or a movement because it feels woefully inadequate,and can feel even more disheartening than when you started. I have a hard time not becoming frantic and crazy when I read or see or just think even about the horrible things people do to animals .i come unglued..But-.We do a lot of protest /demonstration for animal liberation..we usually meet up with Peta but theres other groups here too that do good things.Circus is coming up,for instance.We will stand by the line of people entering and show them the , pictures and ask them to please not give them your money to profit these torturers and murderers. Its all I can do right now, protesting like this.My 2 kids go too and they are like myself-vegan and outspoken advocate for animal liberation. But you know what?I feel like a fraud because I dont do something to actually physically STOP the brutality and murder. I want to do things with ALF but its considered domestic terrorism to be involved with them,and until kids are in college I cant do anything real. I feel like if I could do things more directly to help end the atrocity,I could feel ok.I could accept the other things in my life that depress and sicken me.im goin to sleep Stargazer,but I hope to talk with you more soon-you have a creative and interesting mind, Thanks for helping me to let out some of the poison tonight,I have rambled too long. I hope you feel better soon.
Thank you. I’m sure you’ll do amazing things to stop the pain and torture that is on going. You were on the bat with how I feel. It really can hurt because I don’t know anyone like me and usually feel left out. The injustice kills me. It was wonderful talking with you. Thank you so much. Good night.
Hey I know you’ve probably gone to bed or something Stargazer, but I’ve got to say your list of hates is impressive in one so young (or any aged person for that matter!) I wholeheartedly agree with both you and Misanthrope about animal cruelty and I’m a vegan too. Apart from that I’m not involved politically any more apart from supporting an animal charity, and I admire you for your activism misanthrope. Anyway, it’s nice to find kindred spirits here. <3
Thank you 🙂
I hate that I’ve got a brain condition and major depression, I hate that I’m 36 and live at home cos i’m a fuck up, I hate that I’m trapped on benefit, I hate that I’ve got zero chance of anything in life remotely normal or full filling .. its killing me and I hate that its killing me! .. I hate that I can’t love, I hate that i cant be loved, I hate that this world makes me feel so fucking invisible that i want to die! .. And I hated reading some of your hates because they reminded me of me, I hate that! lol! Enjoyable read though 🙂
Thanks it’s nice to hate even if you hate yourself for it. It lets it out