How sick does one have to be in order to qualify for assisted suicide medications. I really have nothing to live for and am basically a log in my bed. I don’t want to die in pain. I want to be at peace when I go. I was planning on getting Helium tomorrow but I have read that that method fails if not done right. I want it to be successful the first time around and dont want to survive the attempt only to be sick and have an excruciating headache. This isn’t a cry for help or an attempt at getting sympathy. I just really need some advice!
Hang in there, i dont know why you hurt, but hang in there, also helium wont knock you up as fast as other physiologically inert gases.
Sorry i think i went against the rules, thats my inner scientist
No problem and thanks. I want it done easily and painlessly. I don’t want to wake up in a hospital and I don’t want to go to a psychiatric unit. I have been there before and don’t want to repeat the process. Im really just too tired.
I’m sorry you’ve reached a point where you feel your only way out, is to end it all. May I ask what is wrong with you physically? Do you have an official diagnosis? What is it? Symptoms? How severe/how often? Are you unable to get out of bed (due to physical pain/disability? Can you brush your teeth? Walk for 1 minute unassisted? Feed yourself? Go to the toilet? Rate you quality of life on a scale of 1-10. Are you thinking with your head, or with your heart? Do you have a support system? What country/city/state do you live in? How old are you? All of these questions and answers factor in to whether or not you’re a suitable candidate. If you can answer as many of them as possible, I may be able to help you. God bless you ????
I am not physically disabled and have a slight mental illness. It inhibits me from having courage, confidence and a good quality of life. Im not successful at anything I do and I have become a log but without its symbiotic components. Im 36, have been forcibly hospitalized before and now just a mere consumer of air and food, an environmental burden. Its my time and Im not bitter about it. Ive accepted this and the thought makes me happy. Therefore I dont need any saving just immediate relief. Thanks
Only Belgium does euthanasia of the mentally ill usually – and there’s no suicide tourism options.