I hate the weekends. I have no where to be and the anxiety consumes me. At least during the week I have some responsibility that forces me to function and get distracted from what triggers me. Weekends remind me of my lack of meaningful connections and that my participation is not required or sought after. I often end up self medicating so I can relax enough to sleep or settle down enough to read or watch movies. When that doesn’t work I reach out to people who don’t truly respect me simply for some companionship and pseudo moments of feeling like I am part of something. Ha, even when the self medicating works I reach out to the wrong people because I convince myself that I am aware of the circumstances and can handle it. I convince myself I am getting what I want for the short term, I can deal with the rest later. Then I kick myself after the fact because I know I am being used. The constant internal battles I have are exhausting. I know better and understand my role in my own drama yet the compulsion is so strong I give in to behaviors for some relief. Ok, enough whining….I wish you all peace and serenity.
I feel the exact EXACT way -_- today I just randomly got the family together to take them out to eat because I wanted to feel as if I had “done something” this weekend I’m 22 what kind of doing something is that shit I should be out with friends drinking clubbing concerts anything anything but I have noone to turn to no one to even contact who would possibly want to be around Me to have fun -_- I look forward to Mondays n I truly hate My job that’s how you know your life is miserably lonely n sad -___-
LOL well at least you made an attempt. Weekends are tough. I always want to go out but I’m staying with my sister and she never wants to go out. Family just stresses me out.
Yeah same I mean my two older sisters are the only ones who actually make me feel pretty good n I love my mom to death but she’s always stressing n gets me to start stressing too my dad doesn’t even treat us like we exist he’s never really been a Dad -_- but I’m sure you have more friends than me at least which would be anything above 0