You feel lonely and depressed and that one person you count on to understand you tells you: “There you go PRETENDING to be all sad again” and “Fine. If you want to wallow in your miserable self-pitying then be my f*cking guest.” Just no words right now for how pissed and CRUSHED I am. This challenges me more to show him that I AM NOT PRETENDING, I want to prove that to him so bad. I am so tempted to off myself…Has someone undergone something similar? 🙁
I know exactly how you feel, but just to be clear dont do something stupid to prove your point… Kinda like I did… Now after all of that I just say fuck you and not talk to them until they figure out what an ass hole they’re being but hey that’s just me! I’m hear if you want to talk to me I know you don’t know me but oh well if you want to talk I’ll give you my email. If not i completely understand! I mean for all you know I could be crazy or something 0_o (just kidding!)
Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment. Means a hell of a lot.
Sounds like assholes come in all shapes, sizes and professions. He doesn’t understand you and it doesn’t sound like he’s trying. He’s showing no compassion towards your situation. You have nothing to prove to him. I’m here if you want or need to talk.
Hey, overit20. How you doing? Anyway, you’re right. I just don’t understand why he doesn’t recognize that I’m really, truly sad. Every time this issue of mine comes up, he gets irritated with me. Makes me think if I am indeed as annoying as he makes me out to be. But for me, I’m just communicating/telling him that I’m being genuinely, tremendously sad and lost. Thanks again. Hope you feel better than I do today.
Honey people are people… And people are asses he’ll come around. And I’m happy to take my time to try to help. Good luck with the jack ass.
Yeah, I’m glad we have this site so we can step away from our lives for a moment and help each other feel even just a tiny bit better. Some people are asses sometimes, and what’s effed up is that we continue to love them inspite of it. And I do hope that he’ll come around soon. Thanks again, I_tried_.
Everything you said to me must have hit a nerve somewhere. I know I love him despite the fact that I know what he’s like. That’s the part I don’t know how to fix. Based on the fact that my meds aren’t helping, they have made me gain over 50 pounds in the last year and that I can no longer afford them…I have decided to wean myself off them. I wanted to die earlier this week because I felt there was no out. After talking with you, you made me realize I am someone and even though he can’t respect me and love me…maybe I can. I’m at a low point but maybe, just maybe with support like yours, I can do this. You know, they say “if they don’t love you at your worst, they don’t deserve you at your best”. Think about that. That includes your lows. Don’t wait forever for him to decide to treat you right. You deserve better. 🙂
I’m so glad, over! You are absolutely correct. Let’s continue to support each other. I’m not saying that it was good that we’re both on this site, but everything happens for a reason. I’m lucky to have met you. Let’s look to the future and hold on. 🙂