I’m alone now, truly, ignored by the people that were in my life. I’ve pushed away now accepting that it is done and I have been spiraling. The weather is changing getting cooler now and for some reason that is making me depressed. I was numb for about 8 months and now all those months of pain that I was suppressing all that anguish that I was ignoring well it’s making its presence known. I have a pain so intense that I can feel it down to my very core, I feel like I’m drowning in it. I have cried so hard lately and felt the pain so intense that I can’t help but hope that I could die. It’s like life is drowning me and right as my body is about to shut down and I am reaching death it pulls me back up and brings me back to life. And this cycle just repeats and I wish that someone would just reach into my chest and rip my heart out. All I want in life is for all this pain and anguish to stop so that I can just be content, to be healthy, have a decent job and to be able to truly forgive and love myself. But it seems like no matter how hard I try no matter what those simple things I want won’t ever happen. And I wish to die simply and truly die, what good am I to this world anyway, just help me die.
you have a lot to offer this world. your words, for one. every word that leaves your head and is soaked up by someone’s ears or eyes, makes a tiny difference.
you have a lot to offer this world. your words, for one. every word that leaves your head and is soaked up by someone’s ears or eyes, makes a tiny difference.
No one is going to help you die, but if you want real help and real change in your life I suggest going back through all your old posts and reading all the comments and support the many generous souls of SP have invested into you.
Then again, my comments are always disregarded as usual.
Good luck and take care.