New here. I have battled bi-polar and major depression for years. Spent almost 4 years more in the hospital than out of it. Been on enough meds to support a pharmacy, 18 ECT treatments, you name it. From when I was first diagnosed, at 21, until I was 33, I had one therapist who stuck with me, no matter what. And I threw some major drama at him back in the day. It has seemed that I have to rise from the ashes every day, and each time, there is less of me there. Now 45, My physical health has deteriorated; back surgery, thyroid problems, to name a couple. Constant, un-relenting pain. Marriage trouble. (Lost my first husband when I got so sick-he bailed.) 2nd one is a mess. Parents both passed away last two years. Finally reached the end of my rope. Reached out and called my therapist, and guess what? I was told to find someone else. I am completely alone. Really, no reason to keep playing this game. How many times can you rise from the ashes? For who? For what? No one is there.
I’m sorry you feel this way. I feel like I should say something but I don’t know what. Maybe a new therapist is worth a shot? Nothing to lose at this point by trying one, right?
Thank you for your reply. I tried another therapist a couple of years ago, and had a PTSD flashback so bad it erased years of work in a second. Then, that therapist killed himself a short time later. I don’t trust/feel safe with anyone other than the one who was always there….until he wasn’t. This is complicated by the fact that my husband is a therapist, knows everyone in town, and works at the local hospital. I have nowhere else to turn. He is a Jekyell/Hyde kind of guy. Literally. I am isolated, have no friends (because he won’t let me really talk to anyone.) I am surrounded by acquaintances, but can get close to no one. We are very public figures in the community. I really, really don’t want to live anymore. But I have a lot of people who look to us as role models. If only they knew the truth. My concern is that, if I killed myself, what would it do to the kids in our class? Or even the adults? Kids, especially, are impressionable. While I feel strongly that my life is over, I do not want to be responsible for planting the seed for anyone else to make this choice if there is any hope for them. So I am stuck. Completely stuck. And I am so, so tired, of trying to make this work.
This sucks 🙁 I’m sorry you have to go through all of this. Just try to keep holding on… I know it’s hard, but sometimes it’s all you can do. But the Phoenix is a perfect analogy for life. Just continuously trying to rise above it all, over and over, in limbo.
Thank you just for acknowledging me. The issues I mentioned are only the tip of the iceberg, with none of the emotional content I feel. I just really don’t think I can take any more.