I can’t take this depression anymore and I’m trying to stay positive but it’s so hard and I’m always surround by people that love me but yet I feel so alone. I’ve been depressed for 5 years and it has gotten better through the years but this week it has gotten so much worse that I can’t take it anymore. I know I will be hurting a lot of people but they get better during time cause time heals everything. And i’m sorry I can’t be strong enough.
“I know I will be hurting a lot of people but they get better during time cause time heals everything.”
Hey cmon, you said it yourself ‘time heals everything’ and if you can say that for others then I am sure it can apply for youself. Plus, despite being depressed for five years you still pulled through and you even admitted it had gotten better. It may not be a night and day difference but there was change, so why let a bad week throw it all away?
If you’re writing a post on this site, it could mean that you want someone to talk with. And if you want someone to talk to with, it could mean that there is still a desire to live within your heart.
Consider writing a letter to yourself from yourself–
To: the part of me that wants to die
From: the part of me that wants to live
To Kathryn, From Kathryn. It’s a lovely name that belongs to a person who is hurting right now.
Please keep going, things can change for the better as you have seen in the past. Koji is right, don’t end it because of one bad week. It’s true those who love you will move on but I’m sure it will be difficult for them and they’ll always wonder why or if they could have done something but the main reason to keep going is for yourself, try and stay positive. Is there any reason why your depression has gotten worse this week or has something in your life triggered your wish to end it?
You say you are surrounded by people that love you. The you are luckier than most! My father doesn’t acknowledge me, and my mother is the cruelest person I have ever met. My grandparents have all died and I am only child. I have one child myself. He is all I have, literally. I am 36 and would give anything to be surrounded by people that loved me. Depression can be chemical, or it can be a result of not having the skills to deal with life. I don’t know you, but I am sorry you are feeling this way. It won’t last! Try looking around you at people who have terrible stories to tell. Seeing and perhaps even speaking with people who’ve been dealt really shitty hands, might improve your outlook.
Sorry for the typos; I am very tired.
I hope your here by mornings light, and if you did stay, don’t shy away from asking anyone here to help or even listen to you. There are a lot of good people here who only wish the best for you.
Till then…. I can only hope.