Into the pits
It hurt so much
Why am I so alone
Down and chained
Nowhere to escape
I want to be a dark
A dark dragon of the sun
Take me to the time chamber in nature
Such unfathomed spectrum a true warrior of Z
I’m dead and dark Son-Goku and you’re Piccolo
Friends like Mario and Yoshi
How can we conquer back the world, together
I can go now, I have a Nimbus
Can you be the other Bulma
“Just here seeking the refuge, somehow.” – Dead Son-Goku
I got a straight; poker hand-time : 12345
how can I go where can I go, there is only
I am totally clueless about whether you’re referring to a game or real life, but I DO always remember dragons are crunchy and taste good with ketchup…or was that racoons found in the middle of the road? LOL! Its Friday and I am in a mood to fly.