the love of my life is coming home…. I’m so ecstatic. but should I, or how should I tell him that I slept with four guys since he’s been gone? (I didn’t cheat, we weren’t officially together and weren’t talking at these times) two were one night stands, and the other two were exes…
Is that this Ryan guy you were talking about? Does he even care? You should probably ditch him. You should tell him about the guys you slept with, but seriously, if he left you he must be an idiot. Some people just don’t realize what they have until it’s gone. Utter morons.
how about you don’t even know the story? why are you being so rude? you don’t know me, you don’t know him
Good for u baby! Enjoy while u can! Were all gonna die so who gives a fuck??? Enjoy while you can, keep enjoying! Were all gonna die!!!
@jizmhead You sound like a moron, no offense.
One creates one’s own standards in life. Maybe nothing ultimately matters, but the individual is free to create their own reasons for existence. The good thing about following your own personal code in life is that nobody complains if you happen to adjust it over time. People change with age and experiences.
Anyway, just make sure you don’t waste time over an idiot who doesn’t care about you. If he’s the love of your life… Well, YOU better ascertain that you are the love of HIS love.
@ Aquamarine; It sounds like you need me to park my submarine in your port.
You’re definitely more intoxicated than I am. You need to chill dude, you sound a little desperate.
Ok. I’ll allow you to seduce me. Just take it easy with the teeth, k? I hate it when whores chomp on my man parts.
Hmm. You sound like a moron too, no offense. 🙂
Sorry, I’m not being rude, it’s just lame when guys don’t treat girls right, that’s all.
@ lovemyshihtzu
there’s more to the story. we both have issues, and it took him awhile to get his head on straight. but he is leaving that bad environment he is in and will be staying about an hour and a half away, (three hours closer than he is right now) and we are going to rebuild, start fresh
Well, I can empathize with that. I ONLY date people crazier than me. I’m not sure how that happens, but it is what is is. I wish you two the best.
thank you… I think me and him are equally crazy!:x
I’m glad lovemyshihtzu that he’s coming back and you both have a chance to re-ignite your relationship. My only advice, for what it’s worth, don’t be too clingy with him, give him space to get used to the change in his life. It’s the news you’ve been waiting for, I hope it works out.