I am done. Tired. I’ve tried DBT. I’ve tried & i’m tired. I love Scott!! I can’t tell him that though. I dream about him & wish he was in my life, other than being my therapist who I can’t & cannot appease. So, I’ve decided that death will finally take me, as I’ve always felt it would. You see, I have no friends. I can’t & don’t keep them. This world sucks!!! All you see is hate & killing. People who think they are owed, who don’t shoot for the moon themselves. They just want everything handed to them. So, my Suicide is planned and has been for as many years as I can think of. 12 days &counting down. Daddy, I’ll see you on Halloween. I’m tired of fighting this demon.
You’re right. This world sucks. And falling for someone that doesn’t seem attainable makes it even harder. How can we control our feelings? I dunno.
I wish you the best, hope you change your mind. It seems once you look beyond the outside and find that life is meaningless and empty it’s hard to get back out. Peace be with you whatever path you choose.
Yeah I yearn for my ex…too much I guess. Wow, be great if something happens between you and Scott, that’d be pretty kewl for you…fingers crossed for you 🙂