whats the quickest least painful way to commit suicide, im only thirteen but ive had enough.
i just need a simple answer and no trying to talk me out of it.
whats the quickest least painful way to commit suicide, im only thirteen but ive had enough.
i just need a simple answer and no trying to talk me out of it.
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listen suicide is not the answer please just email me and we can talk here’s my email youknowmeimhere@yahoo.com we can talk and figure things out even if you feel like no one cares I do 🙂
There is no painless way…
Living life is the hard part while dying is easy
ive already tried four times
yeah im young but i need to do this
please just tell me the most painless and quickest way to commit suicide
Jump off of a bridge or a tall building a really tall one don’t wanna break ur back and live … If you jump you can’t take it back and there’s nothing you can do besides fall to the ground only to arise into another life if there is an afterlife
thankyou for answering
If you do this I consider myself a killer can’t I just give you a big hug you deserve and we can be friends and get threw this together I’ll have your back if you stay strong if you die its killing us even more
no your a reliever of pain and suffering
and i need a hug im so scared im shaking, im sorry but im holding a knife to my chest
I would really like to give you a hug but I can’t hug a lifeless body so please take the hard rode and live a normal life so that we can be friends in the near distant future you deserve a chance at being happy
i wish i could but tonights it im afraid, im sorry but i need to do this
The only rule that’s ever applied is free will some day I will eventually end up like you greet me on the other side when it is my time I know I don’t know you but I hope this does something and makes you feel wonderful…I love you… someone out there cares for you
i need to do this for everyone else and me, ive caused way to much damage than im worth and in exchange for that get bullied and threatened, i feel like such a slut and worthless. this is my ticket out, i need to do this
They will only hate you more after you die ..screw them tough it out and show them that your worth so much more the world needs you
to do what? ive failed at everything that meant so much to me this is what the world needs
Yo I’m on my email now
Tell me your story I promise I will never forget literally I have a disorder where I remember everything.
The world needs you to get back up and keep trying no matter how many you times you fall as long as you always get back up and give it your best there will be a place for you in the world ..living is the hard part finding your place is even harder you haven’t failed yet you fail when you truly give up and I truly believ that you can do it don’t end up like me or anyone else who post here my advice to you go out have some fun enjoy your self see what its like to live do it for the people who gave up and don’t live we all need you…
the world doesnt know i exsist, neither do my friends
we know you exist. well, you have a choice my dear. i just wanna tell you that after everything, i wish you’ll get everything you want and pls pls pls watch over me even though you don’t know me. i’m sure you’ll do. take care
I feel like that everyday and yes it hurts I’m 16 year old guy. I get bullied everyday, I’m not worth anyone’s time but it’s people like you that are worth my time. You need someone to relate to and I could be that person. Let’s talk this out email me a t voidrazorem@gmail.com
Bella if you get this check you email 🙂
given that we don’t know anything about you (location, finances, etc) jumping is the best i can recommend. Actually the best thing i can recommend is taking a break from your current life. Obviously there’s a problem with the people in your life and most important, with you. Go live in an orphanage for a while… You need to learn to stop caring about what people think and stop taking everything so seriously. Put yourself first, f**k the rest. Just stop caring about them. You can do it, the brain is just a computer, you can trick it to change any way you want.
Bella, it’s tough right now. I can identify with how hard this must feel. But I want you to be able to think about something.. If you do this, you are giving POWER to the people who make you feel worthless. That’s all they want to do, isn’t it? Beat you down, make you feel worthless. But.. If you do go through with this, then you’re giving them total control over whether or not you choose to live. Believe me, I KNOW how hard it is to be bullied. I lived through that. I’m a survivor. It hurts now. I understand that entirely. And who knows.. maybe you’ll never completely stop feeling the pain from the bullying. But I would like for you to just stop and think.. You CAN survive this. There ARE people you can talk to. Heck, if you need to, email me! I will talk to you and be your friend!
Bella, I hope you get this message in time, I really do.
I try to avoid lectures, but I have to bring up a couple of points here. First of all, you’re what, thirteen years old? You’re in a VERY difficult time in your life. The early teenage years suck for almost everyone, but let me tell you, they almost always get better. People grow up, and bullying tends to get less and less the older you are. And if your friends don’t know you “exist”, as you said, maybe it’s time to find some new ones. At age thirteen, if you get the proper treatment NOW, you’ll have a much better chance of recovery. The earlier, the better.
Second, I’m not promising that your life will be all sunshine and butterflies if you choose to live. You’ll have moments where you want nothing more than to give up. You’ll be knocked down. But once you reach rock bottom, IT CAN’T GET ANY WORSE. The only way to go is up.
Bella, if you commit suicide, you are completely giving up any chance you have of getting better. We don’t know if you will get better, and you might not. Life’s not perfect, you know? But what if recovery is in your future? What if you find the right medication and the right therapist and you feel a lot better in a year? If you kill yourself now, you’ll never get to experience that. You lose your chance and you can’t go back. Please look at yourself and your life and ask yourself: “Do I want to DIE? Or do I want the PAIN to go away?” There is a BIG difference, sweetheart.
Choose wisely. We love you. <3
Hi Bella.
I’m not really sure about how to react to your post.
You clearly don’t want to actually die when you survived four attempts, but then, no human being truly wants to. I think you want (and try) to be saved, which I really appreciate.
But I’m also aware of depression being a trend among teenagers, especially at your age (I was just the same, and I regret it a lot), because at some point, you just feel like nobody notices you at all.
I don’t even know if it’s right to answer to this kind of posts, because it’s not the right way to draw attention to yourself as examples like Amanda Todd might suggest. I’m not meaning this in a negative way, honestly. I see you’re desperate. But there are other ways to cope.
Simply ending it won’t help you. It would, of course, be a shock and remind everyone of your existence in the most intense, sudden and painful way because people actually do care. But you wouldn’t even see that let alone an improvement of the situation as you grow older, more experienced and independent.
Also, your parents wouldn’t ever get over it.
And then, you have just one life and being in a phase when everything changes anyway (and it will change), it’s simply not worth it.
I hope you get better soon and I hope I write this in time.
I care about you; we all do.