If one lives for the incredibly small things in life, does that make them pathetic? That has been a big question on my mind lately. I feel like my life is futile and meaningless. The only thing I look forward to daily is my night ritual. I scoop myself about a pint of chocolate ice cream, preferably Breyer’s or Edy’s, squirt a generous amount of Hershey’s chocolate syrup on top, and then park myself in front of the TV for the rest of the night to watch Arrow, Doctor Who, and other such shows. I know eventually, that’s going to catch up with me physically, but I really don’t care what happens to me at this point. I guess it’s nice that I have something to look forward to every day, but I feel so pathetic, that ice cream and television are all I have to look forward to in life…
A Mug of Chocolate Ice Cream and Television
written by dreamsinwhichimdying
Dr. Who is a pretty good show.
Did you get your moniker from a Tears for Fears song? Mad World?
I prefer the Gary Jules version but yes. I listen to it so much. It actually describes my thoughts pretty accurately.
Nothing is pathetic as long as it helps to keep you going. It’s worse to keep looking for the biggest things to live for, anyway.
I sympathize with you feeling like your life is meaningless, but you’re not, as posts like this one show. Most people wouldn’t even bother to question their daily rituals, they just live like that all the time and it satisfies them.
This (your ritual) makes you so human and I love it. Please stay this way.