An 18 year old, senior in high school. She found a way to survive for 6 years and finally set herself free. The pain and anxiety got to her. The depression ate her alive from the outside in. The tears lay on her pillow case where she suffocated herself the night before. Her father, still the drunk he was before, still doesn’t realize that his screams actually got to her. He doesn’t understand that after every hit, it pushed her off the edge more. Her mother, still the druggie she always has been, doesn’t understand that it’s not easy having a parent that would rather see meth than her daughter. Her family ignores her as if she was never there. So she’ll give them what they want. She’ll disappear forever.
Sad story. There are countless others in similar situations. Some parents are battling their own demons and the outcome is often tragic. Your post is an example.
Ama, as usual, is absolutely right. Don’t give up without a battle. She mentioned in her comment that God does not make mistakes and you are here for a reason. I’ve struggled with this because of my own experiences but her words do ring true.
I hope that you find the happiness you deserve.
I feel for you…but death is not freedom. Do you even know what death is? Do you know what freedom is?
I am not judging nor blaming here…mostly because I have no room to. 😀 I see you are willing to die for your family…but when are you going to get around to living for yourself?
Please don’t give in and give up without a battle. There is soooo much more for you to learn about yourself and your world. God does not make mistakes…you are here for a reason. Instead of becoming emotionally trapped in your past(family)…why not learn a new way of being and move forward on your journey?
My primary diagnosis is Complex PTSD as a result of severe and ongoing abuse; sexual, physical and emotional. The abuse has been lifelong and ongoing. I know how comforting the thoughts of suicide can be in these types of circumstances…but it is not an answer…just another question.
Take what ever positivity you can from your past and move forward into “YOUR” future. I myself got trapped in the over emotionality of my life and as a result not only suffered the abuse of others for 5 decades…but became a primo self-abuser as well. I’ve walked your road…and if you think it is scary now…why not take another path. The path of understanding and self-love?
Lecture over !! Sorry…it is an annoying trait of mine. I wish you Hope and send you Peace and Love.