Life is death, death is life, there’s no life without death. Life is useless, life is worthless, life is not needed, at least not for me, life is a beautiful promess that can’t no be keep, life is a fairytale, life fed us up with bullshit, life makes us work our ass off for what, maybe something but at one point what will happen it will all go away, life tels you that itself is beautiful, but deep inside life is so ugly, life won’t last, all those things you’ve work for won’t last you won’t last and what will happen nothing, you’ll just go and then you’ll be forgotten and what will life do, go and put is curse on someone else, why live when at the end you know that it will all go away, why live when you know that you’ll die, why not just end it all, why should i live just to fulfil life curse.