Hi guys. So after living with my grandparents for a month, I thought my mom would finally cool off and be like a normal person you know. I came home on the Christmas Eve. She was fine. We hugged and she was normal and I started acting normal. I thought we were fine. The next day she was still fine. Then the third day she got irritated with everything I do again. The fourth day she didn’t even talk to me that much. Today is the fifth day which is 29 of December. She got angry over a small thing like why I never try to help anything around the house. All that stuff. Then she started saying “it was better when you were gone you know.” “I was relaxed when you were gone.” “You just give me tension and stress to be honest.” “I wish you’d just leave.” It seems like she want me gone. Out of her life. And the only option for me is by killing myself because where would I go really. I’m 17. I don’t have a job. I’m still in high school. I don’t want to go back to my grandparents cause i feel like I’m a burden to them. They’re supposed to be at home. Relaxing. Enjoying their retirement. Not take care of me. So I thought I’d just give what my mother wants. I’ll give her the peace that she wants. Tension free. Stress free. But I also still want to go to college you know. I still want to fall in love. I’ve never fallen in love before. I don’t even know what love is. I want to know how it feels like to love someone unconditionally. I still want to travel and do other things. But she’s making it really hard for me. I try so hard to be good to her even when I’m really mad because of all the things she say. I still try. I didn’t ask her to give birth to me you know. If she couldn’t handle me, then why did she give birth to me then. I hate being in this situation.
You should get to go do all those things. Don’t let this be the end. Go back to the grandparents. Help them out as much as you can so you don’t feel like a burden. Family should be there for each other.
don’t let your mom make you feel this way. She’s a bad parent for saying the things to you. Be honest with her and tell her that she’s falling short on her responsibilities nd the you’re relly upset by it. Ask her if she loves you, nd if she sys “no”‘, don’t even sk her why. Jut get out, go back to your grandparents and take time to think through your options. Whtever you do, don’t kill yourself. Don’t let her”win”. You’re young and have so much potential in front of you. Go start your life, career, etc. fly the coop no go experience the world. Go fulfill your dreams and forget about her.
Agree with Whisper. It’s not your fault that your mom is a *****. Get her out of your life, she will realize how crazy she’s acted some day. Explain the situation to your grandparents, be honest with them, and hopefully they will understand you. I mean, there must be some reason they took you in to begin with right?
As unfortunate as it may sound – and I say this without knowing the situation entirely, of course – if your mom is that much of a detriment to your life, perhaps it is best to separate yourself from her.
Suicide, I feel, would be jumping the gun far too quickly. You are very young and still have a lot of life to live. I realize you feel guilt over staying with your grandparents, but I’m sure they would much prefer you be with them rather than take your life, especially if they realize the situation between you and your mother. Living with an outside party is something many children and teenagers do due to tension with their parents or other reasons. I wish you well.