I dont want to feel this way anymore, but the only way for ghe pain to stop is if i just end it end it all. Is it wrong for me want a perfect life, but i already know i will never get that. I got in a fight with my grandparents on saturday for that they made it seem like they dont care if i kill myself. I yelled at my grandma tell her they are the reason why i cut myself” and all she said was “go do it, kill yoursrlf ill care less. When she said that i just wanted to end it but then i noticed my lil sis was in the other room i didnt wamt her to be the one to find me. I just want the pain to end
Hey, do not be like that , please! Think of your sister, I know it’s hard to control this pain , because I’m going through similar things .. Well , be strong! Your sister needs you , use it as your support , ignore the bad things and be safe! you are not alone .. If you need to talk and I can help , I’m here .
I apologize for my English horrible, can not write .
I know i should think about her, and i do everyday. Its just i cant take this anymore, life isnt good to me after what happened to me. Someti es i wonder if i give people chances and let them know whats going on if things would be better but i will never know because if its one thing i hate opening myself up to people who dont understand me.
It may seem selfish I tell you to lean on it to try to continue living, but we need support for hope. If you do not try no one will try for you, I know how hard it is to live, (after all I also try to fight to stay alive).
You know, there is a phrase the child who says:
“It’s crazy hate all roses because the stabbed you. Deliver all your dreams because one of Them did not take place, lose faith in all the prayers because in one was not met, give up all efforts failed because one of Them. It’s crazy condemn all friendships because one betrayed you, disbelieve all love you because one of Them was unfaithful. It’s crazy to throw away all chances to be happy because an attempt did not work. I hope que in your walk not commit These follies. Remember que always there is another chance, another friendship, love one another, a new force. For every order, a new beginning. ”
Unfortunately life is not a bed of roses and we have to be strong and keep fighting, please do not give up .. For you and your little sister.
If you do not understand any part, I apologize. I’m using google translator, but just ask that I try to write otherwise.
Thank you…you dont know how much that mezns to me, to know that someone out there is listening. Im not yhe best person but i do try its mever easy for me to get through the day. But somehow i mange to put a smile on my face to show people i have no pain, but really i hurt everyday. Thank you because of you, im going to try harder be there for my sister because not only did i lose so much she lost just as much has i did.
You’re welcome, my love. If you need can send me message. Glad to have helped. you do not need to store your pain for you, that’s bad, write, draw, make something, spend this pain if you need to cry, can talk to me! You are strong and have to show it to his little sister! *Hugs*
Thank you so much really this means alot to mean *hugs back*
I know firsthand about family strife and how hurtful it can be. If things are that bad between you and your grandparents, is there perhaps another family member or a friend you can stay with? One thing is for certain, however: Suicide is definitely not the answer to dealing with family issues. There are other options. I wish you the best.
I dont have anyother family my mom die and my dad wants nothing to do with me..my best cousin lives in California so i cant go there see has i have no money too. And my friends i have no one that i cam trust.
I’m very sorry. I do hope you are able to find a better situation in the near future. I’m not sure how things are where you are, but there may be some sort of government assistance available if things get too bad for you. In any event, I wish you well.