1 hour and 30 minutes into new years and my mum stars just screaming at me like a fucking cow. Keep in mind that this was not the first time she shouted at me for no reason. I don’t know what i did wrong. I’m questioning myself over and over again. I’m planning either killing myself by and overdose or just fail but experience severe pain. Note that i come from a Muslim family even though in my perspective, i think that all religion are a joke. It is believed in Islam though that you will go straight to Hell if you self harm or kill yourself. But i don’t believe that? I don’t know anymore.
Basically all religions believe you go to hell if you commit suicide, in a sense its murder… of yourself. All i can say is this, find something you love to do, that you could one day see yourself doing as a career when your older. Study and focus hard, that is your way out my friend, making money in a career that you enjoy will bring you prosperity.
I think krazy has the right idea. Just focus on getting yourself out of there. Make goals. Good luck.
I understand why you want to kill yourself. You will NOT go to hell by committing suicide. Its all bullshit. People need choice and maybe this is your choice. If there is god or other higher power, it does not give a shit if you killed yourself or died natural cause. Dying is dying period! Only thing i want to say is i will not bullshit like others whose trying to save you or anything. I just respect your choice as an individual. Also i do not think youre ready to kill yourself cuz people usually do it straight instead of writing on a blog. So think and make your choice carefully brother!