I don’t feel welcome or wanted anywhere. I don’t understand what iv’e done, but no one seems to want to talk to me or hang out with me or anything and i hate it. What even is the point in my existence? there is no purpose for me in this world I’m useless at everything and no one seems to like me. The only thing that stops me from “not existing” is the reaction from my family and my boyfriend ( who lives 300 miles away so that sucks a lot too as he is the only person who actually helps me). I couldn’t bare knowing they’d be sad or depressed over me not being here any more, but that just makes this journey more tiring.
Not even on this website. Not on any website. Not in real, I’m made to feel invisible. No one wants me. Not even me.
You are getting bogged down by failed human interaction. Please don’t believe that happiness resides on such things 🙁
You are more than the people around you.
Unfortunately, I can’t answer what your “purpose” in life is, since I can’t fathom one for my own…
I can however extend an offer of “online buddies in despair”, if you ever feel like taking a step too far or just want someone to listen, then I at least can be of service =)
Yeah i just hate everyone around me. And because no one talks to me im always alone sat in my room (as i am now, literally no one is talking to me) and it sucks meh i dont even know what im saying anymore im shit with words, sorry.
And thank you, you are welome to talk to me whenever also. “Online buddies in despair” sounds intresting ahah
I’m sorry you’re feeling like this 🙁 It’s really hard to find people that you fit in with (or even just don’t hate haha). Do you think you could try to meet new people or find any people that match your interests better? You could try a new club or meetup or even just trying to connect with people online? The other angle is to try to find a bit of solace in being alone/lonely, as horrible as it sounds. I also kind of hate everyone around me so most nights it’s way more enjoyable just to hang out with myself lol :B
Just hang in there, your family and your boyfriend care about you and we’re all looking for a purpose to our seemingly pointless existences!