my wisdom tooth have been aching me for quite some time now. the pain got unbearable and i decided to remove the tooth. unfortunately for me all medical health workers were on strike so the two student dentists couldnt get their hands on enough anasthetic to douse the pain. turned out they applied the little one they had wrongly and it only had little effect on the pain. i almost dropped dead while the two dumb student dentist tried to remove the tooth, my mouth windpipe and even my nose was filled with blood, they kept on hitting and hammering for two hours before the tooth finally came off.
1 comment
Ouch! How terrible! I had a similar experience with one of my back teeth. They tried and tried to take it out while I screamed that it was hurting. Finally they said (after 2 hours) they couldn’t put me through it anymore. I scheduled surgery a week later.
I talked to a dentist I used to go to (but I was not in his area anymore) and he said my tooth must have been almost dead and that is why it hurt so badly… my dentist had added pain reliever but that didn’t help.
What an experience! Wish you hadn’t gone through that.