Helplessness is such a cruel thing… I feel my lowest when I feel helpless. But it wasn’t always like this. I was happy, I was in control, I had strength but when I get stuck in this helplessness hole I crumble. But I know theres a way out but I don’t have the right idea to inspire myself out of this. I need to make my mind positive but it’s hard. My friend saved me once in a moment of pure unjudgemental love but this time feels different. There is something I yearn for in my heart. It really depresses me that I’m not as strong as I yearn to be or to be as awesome as my friend is. But in saying that there are ways in which other people depend on my skills which makes me feel valued but I know that I can be more valuable and do truly unique things that only I can do, that only I will be able to do. It gives me strength knowing this but at the moment I am just feeling helpless, desperate, uninspired and in need of healing, loving energy. But I say that if any chance, and I mean ANY chance were to come by for me to not feel helpless or on edge I would muster up all my strength and all my courage and take the first chance that comes by no matter what. Because the faintest memory of me being happy in the past and knowing I can be happy gives me hope. I will hold on til a chance comes my way. Everyday holds a chance for things to get better.
Take this sentence of love I give you and remember that to take the first chance you get.
I feel the same
To be honest I’m not even depressed atm (though I was and probably will be in the future). I’m just looking at all the stories on here and trying to learn how healing energy works. The human mind is a fascinating thing….
And through my observations I hope that one day I can heal myself and also others in need. Theres a lot of good advice on SP. I can use things like that in my research.