I’m so freaking done with life. What’s the point of staying here? I’m so sick and tired of hearing “God has a plan for you” the plan I want is to die right now. I can’t do this anymore.. No one cares..
I’m so freaking done with life. What’s the point of staying here? I’m so sick and tired of hearing “God has a plan for you” the plan I want is to die right now. I can’t do this anymore.. No one cares..
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I think each living being has its own point …or lack thereof. Once upon a time 10 million years ago, humans were more like the animals and were born with a strong instinct for life.
But since then we’ve been bombarded with so many images, priests, politicians, parents & bad self-help books all telling us what our reason for living is. It’s scrambled our brains beyond repair.
Sometimes when I lose sight of my reason for living (which happens on the hour), I imagine what I would do if I had all the power in the universe. And that becomes my point. Even if it’s the act of dying.
I think there are many of us who are allergic to life and find it so difficult to live it.
“God has a plan” is a sick twisted joke invented by the oldest scam in human history-religion. It’s designed to suck you into the cult and keep you there while they loot you in this world while promising a magic paradise and riches in another world (after you die of course-how convenient), even though no one has ever been there and come back to talk about it. Anyone that claims they did is a liar, a lunatic or a charlatan. Religion is a disease worse than Ebola on our planet.