I’m out of beer, all I’ve got that might help me are a few norcos, but they fucking suck. I’m done, things have just been getting more and more stressful throughout the night, I swear I’m about to just fucking break down and cry. Why the fuck are people like this? it’s not like any of us asked to have the chemicals in our heads fucked up beyond belief. A car fucking drove by my apartment and I panicked and grabbed a knife because I knew the bastard was coming into my place to attack me. He just kept driving, I knew he would, but I still knew with absolute fucking certainty that he was going to try to kill me. I just need a fucking drink, I can’t handle all of this fucking anxiety, I can’t handle suffocating whenever I try to breath, this is exhausting and it’s going to kill me before anything else does. I’m just going to help it along, I’ve got an out..all I’ve got to do is pull the fucking trigger. All I want to know why I’m like this. I’m don’t think I last another week.
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