As a young child I was not taught the many things that I should. So as I grew older or went to school I learned through others. I have been bullied since the age of 10. Days I didnt want to go to school, Didnt want to leave my room afraid that someone would find something to bully me about, whether it was my voice, my clothes, hair, or the way I smelled. I went to counseling in middle school but it didnt help, so i went home and took a bunch of pills one day but it didnt kill me I was still here, why? I became anorexic in high school not wanting to eat, still being talked about, being dislike for no reasons. I started self harming myself at the age of 18. Im 26 today and it took me until the age of 24 to realize my life was important and there was a reason God still had me here. Im still working on myself for the sake of me and my daughter but it is worth it. I am diagnosed with major depression and PTSD and the thoughts still come into my mind but I have become stronger then my stinky thinking and I notice my change. Life can become better day by day.