Have any of you ever thought how easy life would be if we don’t have to please people and actually get the chance to mind our own business without getting anxious or insecure?
Because i have. So many times that i lost count.
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mockingjay ,
The only people you have to please is the people that give you a pay check, after that your in control to live where you want eat what you want and do what you want, if your not independent, work on becoming so, life is a lot nicer in your own castle. just a thought.
That couldn’t be any more truer
Stop trying to please people then 😉
I think of how easy life would be to be good looking and have a huge bank account then I just drink a bottle of gin and pass out instead
I agree with you, but in reality large bank accounts and good looks mean nothing, lots of people with those things are unhappy, happiness is a bottle of gin! 🙂 really I think about those things but the people I know that have them are all unhappy, I rather be in my shoes then theirs.
I don’t have much choice, my parents are controlling me, i can’t live up to their expectations and i’m not sorry.
Yeh the richest man I know is also the most unhappy… He’s … Wait …he ‘was’ gorgeous but he’s spent his whole life abusing his body with drugs and alcohol, so now he is a dirty old drunk with a few teeth missing! Money and good looks mean nothing. It’s all to do with the brain. Some people can be happy with “no arms no legs no worries!” – have you seen that guy!? He’s fricken amazing!!! No arms no legs and he’s happier than anyone I know. Truly inspirational to see and hear speaking. Other have looks money fame whatever and they are tortured souls inside. there is no magic key to happiness. ): I wish there was.