I’ve always felt like a failure. Never good enough. I feel so empty inside. My mother always saw me as weak and my father, well I don’t know. I always wanted to make my family proud. I was raised to do better than my parents, but I’m not enough, just a failure….i have 3 beautiful daughters and it hurts my heart that I am even considering taking my life….it’s selfish, they need me and I need them, but I am not enough. People have hurt me, abused me, and have broken me..there is nothing left. All I ever wanted was to be loved, but as usual, I guess I am not enough.
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It sounds like you love your 3 daughters. Could they ever “not be enough” for you to one day decide not love them?
Maybe its not your fault. Maybe there is nothing you can ever do to change how your parents or significant others feel about you. Maybe that speaks more about them, than it does you.
I too often feel empty.
Keep writing, there are people here who feel the same way (and in similar situations).