i want to give up. im not even sure life is worth living anymore. so sick of always feeling like im worthless. sometimes i wonder if anyone would even notice i was gone.
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Well if you want to get noticed alice thinks you should run around town naked wearing a tin foil hat screaming about aliens butt probing you, second best option will be posting cutting pictures on SP, it will make you original and cool
set suicide dates too! make sure they fall on a weekend so when you post about how you haven’t gone through with it it’ll get the maximum amount of views!
Alice thinks thats lame AF alice thinks everyone does that, what alice would suggest you do is set suicide dates, and then come back on and pretend to be your own mom to talk about how you had suicided, makes it all the more interesting when you resurface, like your jesus or some shit
or better yet, don’t even set a date, just tell people you have leukemia, no legs, HIV and ass cancer!
or better yet say you have cancer, and then ***** about how depressed you are over it, only to then turn around and talk about how motivated you are to beat it, steal a real cancer survivors face and name, use phrases like what the actual fuck and all around just be a fucking nut with a controversial story that never matchs, works for some, if that doesnt work go around talking about how you are a scandinavian with bone white hair purple eyes, and you had a singular grandfather that was killed in the war, eaten by wolves, and died by falling in an ice pond, works for others
as long as you don’t give someone a reason to notice you they won’t
exactly ackerman, thats why alice was born with blue hair and was taught to refer to herself in the third person, alices momma wanted her little alice to be special
A 3rd option would to lie about your age. If you’re a teenaged girl, lie and say you’re older than you are so that people will take you seriously when you talk smack on other people’s posts.
Option #4 is similar to option #3. As a man, download a picture of a blue haired girl and misrepresent yourself as her. Spam other people’s posts with ridiculous nonsense as you entertain no one but yourself. Remember: It’s not illegal to be an annoying, irritating troll. Read the comments above if you need inspiration.
Option number five is probably by far the worst but some here think its a good idea, alice can say option number five consists of being a misogynistic sexist male who has nothing better to do in life other than getting drunk and sexually harassing girls on a suicide forum, make sure your only defense during confrontations are fart jokes, fat jokes, and gay jokes and you should do fine
I see. So you’re committed to sticking with option #5, Alice. You’re doing fabulously well.
Stick with the program, sweetheart.
Morris, alice forgot to add something to that list, making bad irrelevant jokes.
Alice; Just admit you’re a not-so-bright male pretending to be a girl already. Geez. You’re not fooling anyone.
morris just admit you are a not so bright female pretending to be male, geez your not fooling anyone
Alice is clearly female, have you not seen the way she embodies feminism? everyone knows all girls are man hating, lesbian feminists (they say the lesbian part just to play hard to get!)
Ok, i’ll admit it.
I’m a hardcore diesel dyke.
If Alice was the last girl left on the planet, I still wouldn’t drill her with my psychedelic strap-on dildo.
talking smack is serious business, it’s imperative to have age context
@ackerman; I have no problem with you. You’re cognizant of your own hypocrisy (as am i) so be as sassy as you want.
yes exactly I want everyone to take me seriously when I talk smack!! that’s the opposite of what sarcasm intends and i’m never sarcastic!!
Alice can’t tell if sarcasm, or sarcasm
lol 🙂 thanx alice
swexy as hell
alice would like to confirm swexy is my middle name
I thought it was Lifeless Anatomy or Shattered Glass. You write exactly like him, and you suck up to Stendarr/Ackerman as shamelessly as he does too.
I wonder if Alice and Alice can make GrayOutAlice?
no, but seriously OP, if you want people to notice if you’re gone you have to give them a reason to, interact with them, reach out to people, if they reject you they’re not the kind of people you should be concerned about 🙂
not saying you should even try to test the extent in which people would care if you were gone by committing suicide
Alice wonders how one would ” test * someone by suiciding ? Alice is certain we can’t all be Jesus so how are we suppose to see the final results of said test
we would notice your disappearance in the warmroom. keep coming around buddy. = )