I had just returned from a job interview. It was the first interview I have had in over a year. Since losing my job in Nov 2011…. I was trying all sorts of job opportunities… but with the same result. So much so that I lost hope and had been living out of my savings and later? with my parents? until this job interview came up. It seemed like a job offer on a platter – they desperately need to fill in the post in a weeks time -but I‘d not kept myself updated in the recent past – and couldnt answer the simplest questions. I felt like hell..coming out. Where am I headed? Just 2 yrs ago – I should have cracked most of the questions. Whom to blame but myself? I am aged 38 and am a divorcee since the past 1 yr. I never had close friends since childhood. I have almost always spent my life alone. Except for a brief period of matrimony. I still enjoy good health. But for how long can I go on living with my parents? I seem to have gone obsolete in the career front. Had there been an easy way of ending this life I would have gladly taken it.
What happened in the interview? what type of questions did they asked?
Kind of basic? fundamental questions. Problem is – I have for long lost the motivation to learn stuff. I couldnt believe they had actually called me for the interview.