I am a big believer in doing what makes you happy. I am the person that all of their friends go to to vent and i am the shoulder that everybody cries on. it is a great feeling, helping someone else but it is no too fun when you need a shoulder to cry on and absolutely no one is there for you, or they pretend to care. So, doing what makes you happy is difficult when you don’t have anything that makes you happy. Yeah, things are temporary but nothing seems to be long term. How can someone have hope that they will have happiness in their life when it is so distant now? I encourage you all to do what makes you happy, but first, make sure it’s a long term happiness not a buzz or a high that last a few hours and then is gone.
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Quote: “How can someone have hope that they will have happiness in their life when it is so distant now? ”
How we feel today may well not be how we feel in the future. Our feelings are not always accurate. Feelings are emotions that change. THANK GOODNESS.
Don’t plan you future happy feelings on today’s sad feelings. Not a good marker.
Ask yourself what you want in the future. Write out the steps you think might lead to it. Day dream, journal… get really outrageous with your ideas… it might lead to a new idea, a new plan.