So today I attended my sibling’s graduation ceremony and, for some reason, the thought of my future has never seemed to be… true. Whenever I imagine myself after high school, I literally cannot see myself being a college student, or living on my own, or having job, or even being homeless. It’s all blank. It makes me think that I will probably have gone through with my plans before high school even finishes. As I was thinking this during my sibling’s graduation, I looked up to the gloomy sky and thought, “Today is a beautiful day to die.”
Yeah i can’t see myself existing in the future eaither.But if you can get a gun then that’s the way to go 😀 if you ask me ;D
Shooting yourself is much harder than people think. Have tried multiple times, all of them failures. I guess it depends on the person. I will be trying a nonviolent method next. I hope I succeed.
What does that mean?Nothing will exist for you after you die.There is no such thing as messy when it comes down to suicide bro.
True I just can’t see myself going that way
Well what ever works for you ;D
me either; I know what that feels
so fucking hateful
I mostly see the end of highschool, (two months from now -_- ) aweful grades and family fights, nothing further
It is a good day to die. And hopefully it will be.