I believe i married the wrong boy. I hate his fucking guts. He is such an asswhole with no regard for anyones feelings but his own. I want to leave him but im stuck. only other option is to die kill myself leaving behind a beautiful baby. Why stay with him is the question i ask myself. I fucking hate this guy. Stupid dick. I wish i had the balls eboygh to completely exit frim this shitty earth. Buuuuuut no im a big fat scardy cat. This is bullshit.
It sounds like you really hate your marriage. Is there a particular reason why you feel you can’t leave? Is he abusing you? Have you ever tried looking into resources for women who need time to get back onto their feet? I know there are many who will help (especially those with a child) a woman with housing for a few months until she can get a job and find some other support?
Im afraid i get over whelemed. I dobt know ehat to do. Theres tgis pride thibg thst gets people scattered in they’re own beliefs system. So i hidebehind the lies and abuse. And i snule to all my felliw Christian sisters and brothers. And hioe God will help ,. I really just want to die iv done enough of the pain. I really cant see a reason to live im just one big sorry piece of ass. Period.
You hide behind lies and abuse and stay in a toxic relationship just because of your pride and you don’t want other Christians to judge you? No wonder you are miserable. Honestly your pride and other people’s opinions are not worth you being miserable and suffering. You can’t sit around hoping that “God will help you”, you need to be proactive and help yourself. Would you really rather die and give up the only life you have just because you fear starting over and trying to fix your current situation? You mentioned you have a child, that should be a huge reason why you should still want to live. Please get help for yourself an your relationship. If it’s not salvageable you need to get out of it. Not only are you hurting yourself but you’re teaching your child that it’s okay to stay in a relationship where you are miserable to the point you’d rather die. If you can’t get better for yourself at least get better for your child. You may think you have everyone fooled but Children are a lot more clever and intuitive than we give them credit for.