seems to be a recurring theme here. I’m 22, never had a boyfriend or so much as kissed a boy. I’ve had opportunities, but turned them down for various reasons. Every day I wonder if I would be happier, less suicidal if I was in a loving relationship. Then again, that’s a dumb question because even a stupid little crush is enough to put me on cloud 9. But does it get boring after a while? For anyone in a relationship, do your feelings for your bf/gf/fiancee/husband/wife give you enough reason to go on, day after pointless day? Is it worth it?
loving someone can give you a sense of purpose, but if you lose the love you feel like youve lost your sense of purpose.
I’m on the same boat as you. I’ve kissed a girl only one time in my life. Had two girlfriends, both left me in the dust. I’ve attempted to find a girl now, and they all talk to me for a few days, and then find another guy who I guess is more interesting and atractive. Only thing I can really say is that love doesn’t always make you happy. It can make it worse if you love someone who’s really just there for the hell of it.
I don’t know if I believe in it anymore, but supposedly true love will last for if not life, for a long time and be bliss. Well cheers, hope one day you find the love of life.
Yeah, I kinda feel like I’m losing my sense of purpose now since I’m getting over the guy I’ve liked since last year. He’s the reason I didn’t go through with my death plan last summer. Everyone in my life who gives a crap about me has him to thank that I’m still here. But I doubt he can do it a second time, and my survival instincts are frantically telling me to look for someone, anyone else to hold me back from the brink before that overwhelming urge comes back. All I know about love is unrequited love, and it’s getting old now. Someone show me the real deal, please. Thanks.
well im glad you didnt go through with it. i thought i was in love once but turns out it was only one sided. trying to find someone new seems kinda scary at this point and being alone kinda feels like second nature now, i think alot of us here are all looking for that one person that gives us a reason to get up in the morning.
I like to believe it’s worth it cause sometimes clinging to the idea of a love that lasts forever is all you got unfortunately for me life has beat the fucking shit out of me and I don’t even think I can believe there is a such thing as love anymore but one day you’ll find a guy willing to do anything to make you happy and that might worth holding onto for a while
My dream girl made life worth living for so so long but in the end she was the bigger monster then me she tore me apart and is the biggest reason for my current state I personally wish I stayed hopeless and singer to have never met her
Any kind of attachment is what breeds purpose, attachment to passions or interests are similar, attachment to aspirations and of course attachments to people or animals. You can truly love someone but also feel genuinely suicidal, suicidal mentalities are bred from emotions and most of the time emotions exaggerate the illogicality in situations – NOT saying that there is no merit in being suicidal. What I’m saying is that suicidal ideation or any kind of mental illness is something that circumvents logic thus reasons for suicide like “I’m not attractive/successful/useful/lovable etc.” out weigh the truth in that their attachments have more value than their perceived negative reasons, their feelings ARE legitimate, just the epicenter of their reasons for suicide is not objectively logical in contrast to subjective logic 90% of the time.
and that’s why you can be genuinely suicidal despite having attachments and loved ones is what I mean to conclude