My father shot himself on December 27th 2007 i was 12 its been seven and a half years since that day. Every day i wake up and wonder why what could’ve possessed him to do it. What could i have done to stop it was it my fault was i not good enough for him.
You certainly aren’t worthless and it definitely was not your fault nor was it because you weren’t good enough. It was his own self that he wasn’t happy with, that he wasn’t okay with. His own reality that was distorted.
Let me tell you! I’m a parent who has attempted suicide once. I almost succeeded & I will never ever ever try it again! I love my kids more that anything! They had nothing to do with my choice but they should have been (in my thoughts) what stopped me. I was too sick inside myself to realize! I thought my kids would have a better life without having to see my angish. I thought I was not strong enough, not good enough to for them. I was lost & hurting so bad inside all I could think was how to make it stop. I’m glad I failed at suicide. I see now how bad it would have hurt them. I know now that me at my worst is better than no me at all. They’ve told me they would have blamed themselves but there was nothing they could have done, nothing they did wrong, I love them so much but I was sick! My kids are more than good enough for me. I’m so sorry your dad was lost & sick. He was not weak or stupid. He was in pain. That’s why people kill themselves. They are not thinking clearly & no one can change that. I’ve been suicidal since my attempt
Suicidal people don’t know what else to do at the time because of the pain. That pain could be a million different things. My pain has nothing to do with my kids. That’s why when I feel low I tell myself I can’t leave them. No matter what my issues are I would be selfish to leave them. They are my only true joy in life. I could never love anyone more. They are perfect to me even with their own flaws. They are why I stay. When I tried to kill myself I wasn’t thinking about any of that because I was hurting so bad I just couldn’t. I’m glad in here. I know I don’t know your whole site but believe me when I say its not your fault!!! You couldn’t have done anything to stop it!!! It’s not a reflection of how he felt about you!!! Be was lost, sick, hurt & didn’t know what to do. I’m sorry you lost your dad. It’s not fair. Thank you for sharing how you feel. I hope I at least said one thing that helps you! ????