I can’t believe that I suddently recovered from my depression. My insomnia starts to fade away little by little. I want to say farewell to you guys 🙂 Thank you for all the support. I have learned a lot from you. I realised that there is something divine out there, it can’t be everything just random. Killswitchon, the big prize goes to you my friend. Get a job, find a nice girl, get married and make some little killswitches . You are really a nice guy. Take care of youself. I am going to erase all my depressed posts and leave this one. I love you guys. Believe and make the best of every second.
…and the reward for most farewell posts goes to… Costy! 😉
Glad to hear you’re feeling better, I hope life continues to improve for you.
P.S. If you ever run into Alexandra Stan, tell her I said hi.
Why not invite her out in town for you my friend :3
I don’t think I’d hold her attention for longer than a minute since I’m not famous or a millionaire, but sure, why not. At least we can take a selfie together.
Costy, you don’t know how thrilled I am! Since the beginning I’ve been placing my bet on you, thinking to myself, that guy has to make it out of here alive. Bon voyage my friend. I know you’re going to achieve great things 🙂
You can do it too NaCl, idk what happened. But the divine loves us all and we all have a second chance whatever you do.
Hmm, I think I’m on my 3rd or 4th chance by now, but hey whatever it takes!! I hope you come back here sometime, not to stay, just to visit and let us know how you’re faring on the outside!
Costy, I am so glad to hear you’re feeling better my friend. May I ask why the prize goes to me? I guess I’ll take it but the real prize goes to you for overcoming this and getting in touch with your divinity. If you do ever find you’re way back here don’t condemn or judge yourself. Life is a journey and its a pendulum until we slowly come to find that healthy stable middle ground. Keep your good looking head held high Costy. Glad you’re back in the game. It’s all attitude and retraining ourselves as we heal to view life differently. It’s fuckin’ tough but it can be done eh.
The prize go to you my beardy friend because you always motivated me. Remember who you are, you are a warrior just like me. I don’t think I am going to come back here, I was always tought in boxing and by the divinity to never give up.
That’s it man. Never give up. Never tap out. Never say die.
All the best 🙂 xx