Ive been afraid to post here because that will mean the depression is surely back – well this sucks, I can think of a plethora of triggers that may have caused this to start. I don’t know what I am expecting from you all, maybe a little support, a little hope. Im afraid this might be the straw that breaks the camels back. So much pressure right now in my senior year at college, looking to apply to grad school and all I can think of right now is what kind of knot to use in my noose.. I feel so crappy.
One breathe at a time… I’ve been to college and I understand the stresses which I am sure I don’t need to go into. Identify triggers if you can, find a distraction… all colleges have counselling available (which I knew about but didn’t take advantage of but should have).
You have my support… you can make it soldier. It may be tough (and it is)…. you can do it. I think the most important thing to do is to talk with someone on campus… a friend, professor (if you have one that you trust) , a counselor, a religious authority if there’s one on campus and so on.
You’re not alone! There are other students in a similar situation as you…. help is available to you. You can do it!
Is this done with watercolor? It is amazing. You can do it.. I’m in college too and it is hard.. But just push on through every crushing morning and if you do it over and over and over then it will have gone by faster than you could’ve thought and it will all be over and better.