Sometimes I’d just like someone to listen and not judge. I may be crazy but this is tearing me apart. My fiancee, his ex-girlfriend keeps finding a way to bring herself into our relationship. And it’s not even her doing it. You see when I first got with my fiancee, all he did was talk about her.. but I could understand that because they had been together for five years.. He then stopped talking about her when he figured out it bothered me. He now, never speaks of her or anything affiliated with her. It could be because I’m human and overthink EVERYTHING. But lord I hope he’s not still in love with her. We are getting married soon and that would seriously push me over the edge. I feel like I’m going insane everyday. I constantly think why is he with me, does he still love her, if she showed up one day would he pick her over me? I don’t know he says he loves me and only me. This is where trust comes into play I assume. That’s so hard for me to do. I just wish someone could help. It’s more complicated than this and I understand I over think everything. But if I ever did decide to end “things” this would be why.
You’re not crazy. I think you’re hurting yourself by being so worried. Your fiancee chose you when he asked you to marry him. I feel this is a situation that has to be worked out between both of you. Has he done anything that would make you not trust him? If he is still in contact with his ex-girlfriend, maybe you should tell him about your worries and that it’s bothering you.
I think you need to work this out with him before you get married. Entering into a marriage when you don’t fully trust your partner will lead to more problems in the future. I’m not an expert on relationships but I can see you are having a lot of anxiety and that it’s hurting you. I hope things work out.
I think it’s natural to have some feelings linger for our exes, but remember that there was a reason why it ended between them. You probably don’t have to worry.