I really do wish that I’d never been born. It hasn’t been worth it. My life is like a super depressing foreign film that has no happy ending. Everyone I’m related to has a go nowhere life. I don’t know why they bother breeding they just add more pointless miserable people to the world. Genetically inferior stupid people shouldn’t be allowed to breed. I can’t believe anyone ever agreed to breed with my biological father, he’s hideous. I hate resembling him in any way. I hate being half Mexican, the men are always so ugly and short. My white relatives are all white trash. I don’t even want to go to the ancestry.com website. I can just imagine the landslide of human garbage I’m related to.
Good grief, if I had a dime for every girl I dated in college that loved depressing foreign films I’d have $2.37!
…Anyway, some worst people out there come from rich cultured families. Some of the smartest warriors for social justice come from disadvantaged families. Yes, genetics will try to lay its heavy hands on you and pull you in a direction you don’t want to go. But you have a brain. As long as the hamster on the wheel is doing its job you have a chance to change things.
Nothing wrong at all using the energy you have to get away from a disgusting place propel you to a nice one.
Yes there are physical things you may be stuck with. You may be a drooler, or fart too much, or be sexually attracted to pumpkins. These things are detrimental but they aren’t death sentences.
Caucasian Hispanic hybrids are very trendy right now. You should work that before the market gets saturated!
Sexually attracted to pumpkins-lmao. Entertaining post to say the least.
@BluDude-your words sound like they could’ve come from me because I’ve posted such things before, because of my hatred for my own parents (Indian descent).
But I look at it a little differently in terms of averages-many people are unattractive losers out there, who are ordinary or underachievers….so it could always be worse. Despite my bkgd, compared to the average, I’m pretty lucky. I could’ve been born to some other lowlife-so in the genetic lottery I feel I did ok.
And in terms of growing up, while I dislike my parents, they still treated me better than many other parents would out there-I mean there are real horror-stories and kids committing suicide because of the abuse they got. I’m just fortunate it didn’t happen to me.
The last thing I want is to be an insufferable social justice warrior. I can’t stand them.
You don’t have to be one if you don’t want to. So you got stuck with undesirable genetics but you can simply disregard it and still enjoy life anyways.
Let me use blacks as an example-I mean they’re generally not desired in any culture, however they don’t let that hold themselves back. They ignore their looks (usually) and just go after want they want and end up doing extremely well in some cases-Oprah Winfrey for example.
I know it’s a very hard thing to overcome, especially when others judge you by the same standards. With blacks you get loved or hated by some people, but when you’re brown/Indian (not native, but from India), then you’re largely ignored-no one wants you and that to me in a way is worse than what blacks get. I mean it’s not a rule of course-there are some people who are into people from my race, has a lot to do with culture and where you live but I mean in general.
And it might not be as bad as you think. Yes Mexicans are looked down upon, but then I’ve seen some really hot mexican girls and mixes…an attractive mexican guy can pass for a spaniard. So it’s not a total loss, there are ways to work with the shortcomings you were given.
It’s impossible to ignore it when people tell you to your face how ugly you are. I haven’t let anyone take my photo in 15 years. I wish plastic surgery wasn’t so expensive. I actually gave myself a nose job in the 5th grade. We had to sit while the teacher did our silhouette on paper. I was so horrified by what I saw I “fixed” it.
I hear you man-but despite that, I’ve seen some ugly people do well-I mean really well in their life. I’m not happy with my looks either, though I looked much better when I was younger. You can rely on your personality and other traits, that’s what people who aren’t attractive tend to do.
The other option is to just end your life. If you want to live-then I’d suggest live it fully. Which is what I’m trying to do-despite my own self-hatred.
@poe…lol. that was hilarious! Being sexually attracted to pumpkins, geesh, I want more friends like that, they are far more interesting people.
the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars.
Jack Kerouac, On the Road