Mistakes. Lots of them. Year after year, I’ve made progressively shittier choices. I’ve spent the majority of my life acting and thinking in really dumb ways. I allowed myself to become fixated on what was beyond my reach, rather than appreciating the actual possibilities right in front of me. I was so consumed by what I wasn’t that I wasted what I could have been.
Of course, there were reasons for all of it. I didn’t understand then what I know now. If circumstances had been even slightly different, it all might have turned out another way. I might have lived a worthwhile life.
The choices, the mistakes, were mine alone. All entirely my fault. Most people, given my opportunities, would have built a fine life for themselves. But most people are not me. They do not have my weaknesses, or my strengths. Most people are not vulnerable in the ways that I am, to the same degree.
I cannot claim mastery of the particular circumstances that allowed the worst in me to flourish. Or even of the whirlwind of thoughts and emotions that make self-destructive behavior seem entirely sensible day after day. My thoughts and feelings arise, entirely unbidden within me. I do not choose to think each thought. It just is. And that thought then becomes a choice.
True responsibility is a forward looking attitude. I cannot change my mistakes. I cannot pretend that they were somehow independent of the context in which they were made, purely chosen outside space and time. I cannot claim the many factors that led me to make them – they stretch back far beyond me.
What matters is that I learn from them, and try to correct them, going forward. But how to do that, when I’ve missed out on so much of what goes towards making a normal, functional adult. There isn’t a version of me going forward from this point that is healthy, or complete. My mind, my sense of self, is trapped in the past.
I’ve allowed myself to become something I can no longer show to others. So now there’s no way I can experience the acceptance I longed for as a child. Which leaves me trapped with this feeling of inadequacy and regret. And on the cycle goes………
I’m still stuck in a rut caused by past decisions… so I can’t really offer advice on how to get out of it…
There has to be a way, though. If you find it, tell me, ya? I’ll do the same.
Will do. My current plan is to just pretend to myself that at some point it’ll all just be magically ok, and then move forward from there. But it’s pretty damn fragile, as strategies go. Encountering reality tends to puncture it pretty fast.