Always u hear on news bad things happen i always wonder why or how pple can just buy guns and or try to guns was made for protection i think they should do better job on keeping guns only to protection
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Hi, I guess you’re referring to all the mass shootings, especially the most recent one in California. I don’t know if guns are really the problem though. What makes someone so filled with hatred that they decide that they need to kill a whole bunch of people is what I just can’t understand? Having a gun might have saved some of the victims.
Yeah that what i mean its really sad and idk how the bad one how some get the weapons like i said if only it would be used for protection only that and not used for other bad things
The problem is, without a crystal ball to tell the future there’s no way to know what somebody is going to do, and even if they purchased some of them legally, they still could have gotten them just as easily illegally. This last couple was also found with bombs, so they could have used those instead. Freedom comes with risk, but then again, look what happened in France and they have very restrictive gun laws. I’ve never seen an oppressive government create a safer country, only more power for the oppressors.
Of course, the media never reports stories of people who successfully defend themselves or their families with a gun or any other weapon because that doesn’t create controversy and increase ratings. I have known people who lived in areas where not having a gun is a bad idea, but people who don’t live there don’t understand that.
Right now, US politicians on both sides of the aisle (I’m an independent, by the way) are scapegoating “THE MENTALLY ILL” as a way of dismantling the Constitution, and a lot of people on this forum have been reduced to the status of second class citizen to further that goal. And I get the impression from reading online comments and news stories that it’s even worse in some other countries.
Yeah its really upsetting sometimes sry i just got bk to u now new to site do u sopose to subscribe? I dk if i had to or not or even how it works i got no notify of ur msge