ive finally done it, found the one thing in this stupid world that makes my life worth living.. his name is Jimmy. Jimmy changes everything, all of my goals, all of my feelings, but i cant help but still be depressed. i have major chronic depression.. everything makes me want to kill myself except for him, this beautiful human being that is just as fucked up as i am. the thing is that, he doesnt truly understand how fucked up i am. he believes that he, along with a future we’ve planned together should be enough to make me entirely happy. i want to be entirely happy, i thought it was enough but why do i still want to kill myself. pills dont work, therapy doesnt help and now im pushing jimmy away so i’ll have a reason to kill myself. i made a post on here once about how i thought falling in love with someone would change me, dont get me wrong, it has completely changed me and i will forever be grateful for him, but am i too screwed up to want to die more than i want to have a life with him. im scared of pushing him too far.. but i cant stop myself when im feeling suicidal..
well your brain is used to your ideas now, you have to make a stand in your mind and say, “I want to live” or ” I want to die “. I made it too
And have some quality time with him, have the best night of your life, try every pleasure with I don’t know get your act together.
How would Jimmy react if you would kill yourself ? He also depends on you now you know
I tell people here to do some deep soul searching to find what truly is at the heart and root of their suicidalness and depression. Journal, take a ling drive, go kayaking…
Are you lacking purpose? Whatever it is, I hope you find what you need to make your future better.