last saturday swallowed about 50, 500 mg acetaminophen tablets spent the entire night throwing up. spent several days nauseous, eventually went to the doctors(they dont know about overdose). then i swallowed about 15 more pills but im not feeling any side effects after it. i just want to die and i heard acetaminophen is one way to go
Jesus, no, don’t go that route. One of my attempts was on that, and trust me, you’ll end up extremely damaged and not dead. I took a similar dose to yours and if it sort of works it’s pain and suffering for several hours or even days. Most likely you’ll get found on those days (if you don’t puke them all out before), since what it does is cause necrosis to your liver… not a nice, and not a safe way to go.
my mom took me to a doctor for the throwing up and it turned out i was dehydrated and they put me on a drip and gave me some anti nausea medication, they drew blood and urine but didn’t see anything alarming. i didnt tell them that i overdosed and they never caught on
That’s the thing, throwing up is your body rejecting the massive amounts of meds that you took. Since they were already outside of your body it’s normal that they didn’t find anything, but your liver does get damage out of those attempts. I’d say you were lucky to come out of that one unharmed. If you keep doing it tho… yup, liver damage, and that’s really not a pleasant way to go.
You’d have better luck playing in traffic.
…not that I’m suggesting that you play in traffic. I did once, and I’m a few brain cells shorter because of it.
Cleveland dog balloon.
Most of these modern medications will not kill you no matter how many you take. They design them that way. Usually what will happen is what happened to you. You just get sick and will have a massive headache and throwing up and maybe need to have your stomach pumped. Sorry but that is the way it goes most of the time. Suicide is not that easy.
Tylenol (acetaminophen) is toxic to the liver. Mf is right, this is a bad idea. An awful way to go if you even go. What happens many times is that you live but have permanent liver damage.
Don’t play in traffic either, that isn’t such a good way, no guarantees and it hurts other people.
Someone saying i’m right twice on the same day? stop, i’m going to blush, lol.
Well you know you had a rather bad day today so I thought I’d make you feel better.
Plus you were right, so there is that too.
What are you, a mind reader? lol. At times i do wonder if there are good days or only “less bad” ones tho. Thank you 🙂