It is taking me again… I don’t want to go. I’m sobbing and I’m tired… I’m so tired loves. Save me from myself. From the depression… Save yourselves from the sorrow that is me
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I love you TaDB. The handful of benedryl I took two hours ago has finally slowed me down enough to go to sleep. I will be thinking of you. Remember, your illness does not define you, your father’s idiotic statement are not who you are. The person you are is beautiful, generous and funny.
Maybe you could queue up some fleetwood mac or Dave Matthews band…, I’m going to be dreaming with Chopin in my ears. Stay safe and I will talk to you tomorrow.
Sort of dozing off after a couple of hours of studying (well… sort of, listening to study materials while playing a videogame counts? i guess), but just saw this and all i can say is: *hug*
No idea if that helps, but it’s all i can think at this time.
Oh, and this:
Depression sucks. I hate it so much. It hurts the most beautiful people. You’re such a beautiful person.
I will give you a hug a well. I’m so sorry you’re in so much pain. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend. Thank you for being you. You bring joy to so many of us. 🙂
Thank you 🙂