Yeah I’m pissed. Why even bother? Why play ganes? I haven’t seen him in a full month and I know I’ll never see him again. He actually messages me asking to come over. Then last minute says he can’t because the other car he had access to died too. Says he had a ride. So why couldn’t the ride have dropped you off here? If you can rent a car you can catch the bus, right? Hasn’t talked to me any more. Just leave me alone then. You got what you fucking wanted. You got rid of the person who cares most about you. Yes I’m fucking pissed.
I do not know the complete relationship between you both but look it is winter this is that time where car starts to die from the battery and bus stops are too windy to walk from. Even if its for a girl guys do not like being cold with a wet nose
Maybe I am being cruel at saying this, but hope can be our worst enemy sometimes. If you are feeling insecure, really insecure and sad, if you have this bad feeling you are the only one that cares, maybe, and just maybe, it’s because you are the only one that cares. Free yourself of the hope for him. Put that hope aside and move on. It will help you breath better.
But you are the only one that knows if this relationship is worthy, or if it’s made of excuses, the ones you make for him
(or maybe I am just talking about myself ) :/ my opinion is biased right now
I got really pissed last night, shaved my head skinhead bald and I’ve never done that before, as in, all over, without leaving the top or a long mohawk… He messaged me after midnight, saying he can’t work without a car so he’ll have more time, but is he really going to hop on a bus?? See, this is a big city and busses run 365 no matter what the weather, federal holidays, sundays, all the time, there’s a bus every day. Maybe not all are 24 hours but still every day during the day. I still feel unimportant to be honest. So, I’m just the back up when the popular people life slows down enough?