Ffs… Just heard from my ex, the train wreck, that he had some gf for the last two years. After talking to me again like we’re oh so close friends??? I don’t know why it bothers me. He’s the one I call a dead fish. No passion or romance. And I never hear from the guy I truly loved. I bet I’ll never see him again. I don’t fit in to his world. I want to say more, but feel it would be too wrong. Just something else that makes me sick and pissed off. What the fuck happened to this world? I don’t look much different than I did as a young adult, just a bit bigger. Back in my day, I could get laid because a guy would be hard just as soon as he got the yes and knew sex was available. Now days a guy can only get it up if a porn star sucks him off first. Give me a god damned break! Men today really have lost their balls! I can’t stand all these hipsters and how sissy they carry themselves. It’s no certain age group, they’re all just pussies on top of being the assholes that men have been since the dawn of time. I’m really fucking irritated.
Anyway here’s my thumb after work. Look at the dip in the top near the nail. I’m afraid that when this liquid bandage cap peels off, it’ll come right open and start gushing blood again!! Has anyone had success treating a deep cut before? I don’t know how on earth my leg ever stopped bleeding way back when my mom’s dog bit me.those were 2 1/2 inch gashes and I wasn’t given stitches or anything for it. How can my thumb bleed so much more than a mangled leg???
Life is very complex, and we cannot never generalized in anything. Men and women alike, we all have our faults, we all make mistakes. No one is perfect, and what is good for one person, could be bad for another. Most probably there are also men out that do the opposite you described, men that are strong, love and respect women, respect they marriage. I know many examples of good families and couples out there, that respect each other enough.
You thumb do not look that bad, most probably will get better soon and you will do not need to anything else, just cleaning it again and apply that liquid bandage again. I guess, if you see the thumb getting worse or bleeding to much, you could go to the doctor.
Have you tried soaking your thumb in warm saltwater? It will help, I do it and done it before
When ever i get cuts or got a wound thats healing but i mess with it. Like picking a scab or scratching it. Soaking it in warm saltwater helps. Like ten mins here and there after a day or two i see less redness and the bleeding subsides
The warm salt water always helped me. If you hadn’t tried it. It’s worth a shot.
Have you tried other pickup lines? Im not sure how effective “hipster *****” is at sexual arousal.
Try Epsom salt and distilled vinegar mixture to soak the injury. It will dissinfect, help clotting, reduce inflammation and promote fluid drainage.