I really can’t take much more of this what’s the point we all end up in the same place anyways one way or the other not everyone’s story is happy think iv known for a wile my story don’t end well I guess it’s only a matter of time really
if you look for a talk feel free to add phil2921 on skype
Well you do have a valid point. We all do die eventually. That is a FACT. The point of life is to make something meaningful of your life before you go. Thats just how I see it.
I ain’t really got much meaning I ain’t got the energy to keep fighting I’m tired
Your words are meaning. Poetry&Lyrics, so write. Get your message out there. Somebody relates, they don’t feel quite as lonely. Maybe you inspire someone, they contribute something to the world.
Let’s face it, you’re not getting that over righteous gratification. You don’t see the effects you have so they don’t exist right?
Butterfly Effect… Dude… You have meaning.
Surely you’ll die. Someday. Not today.
I really think that song I’m writing is really my good by letter
Thanks but I haven’t got Skype
I understand how you feel. I really don’t want to keep fighting either. If I had the money to get what I need to exit I would just do it. For me its just a matter of time. I am just trying to enjoy my life before I go. Once I have the money and the supplies I need I am out of here.
That’s the thing im not enjoying life haven’t for a long time now it’s kind of sad I’m 26 I feel like a old man waiting to die life ain’t for everyone
Dude, I’m not a whole lot older. For every decent moment in life I get 10,000 pounds of shit. Granted, I’m on here too, so yeah it sucks. But hang on, I forgot my point….
Oh yeah, it COULD get better. HDS said it best to me last night. “You can always kill yourself later”
I’m not saying today but soon I feel it think it’s been a long time coming really man it’s not promised thing will get better that’s one thing I fear calling it a day and it gets better but I guess we all fear the unknown
I know. Basically just waiting for something to push you one way or the other. Am I right?
Yeah man it’s getting there the last few days iv been trying every time I try something gets in the way so really giving up can’t keep fighting
I’ve had those, days, weeks, months, years…
Whats keeping U here
Whats makimh u stay
Different things different days. I’m really getting back into poetry. So I got some exploring there. I promised you a track, so that.
I’d love the prospect of things getting better. Finding where I fit I guess. I got my plan for when and if I get there. But for now, just making little contributions to the world gets me pumped.
Talking to HDS really changed my thoughts last night. I CAN always kill myself later. So I’m procrasta-living now.
I like it.