Isit wrong to say that iv had enough of living ? I feel iv done enough and seen enough life sucks now how the hell isit going to be better the olderI get ? even as I child I didn’t want to live a long life Im kind of greatful I made it to 26 let alone 62 that means iv lived two life times in my eyes thought my time would come when I was 18 I wanted to die then and I still do now a decade later I’m still here by gods will I’ll live up to 99 I bet no physical illness perfectly fine mentally fucked I didn’t ask to be born yet I have to have permission to leave
I don’t think its wrong for you so say that you have had enough of living. Your just expressing yourself, and if that is how you feel then that is how you feel and you have a right to speak your mind. I used to feel that way. But lately I have changed my stance and now I am doing all that I can to live and make my life better. But I certainly have been where you are now; I know what its like to be in that place that you are in.
May I ask how old you are? I’m kind of confused by all the numbers. Not a big deal if you don’t want to share it, though. So don’t feel like you need to. Just curious to see if you’re around my age or not, I keep reading your posts and it’s amazing to me how similar our journeys have been and how we both feel. I feel like I understand a lot of what you feel too.